Thursday, December 13, 2007

Neil Gaiman Rocks!

I'm a pretty big Neil Gaiman fan, mostly because he wrote this:

(He also wrote a few other things, like the screenplay for Beowulf.)

But, here you can read about how he helped a "regular guy" propose. Really cool story, complete with pictures. Actually warmed the cockles of my heart (and I don't really know what "cockles" are.)

Thanks to my brother for pointing me to this!

1 comment:

Nif said...

Oh, you are just TOO COOL! Thanks for pointing this out (and thanks to little bro, too!)

Belated congrats on finishing up the Boob Work - I saw the coolest Tshirt & thought of you... but it was pink on pink = blech! (It was covered with words that mean boob - titties, ta tas, hooters, etc. Very funny.)