Thursday, December 6, 2007

I'm Done! I'm-done-I'm-done-I'm-done-I'M-DONE!

No more boob-zapping!




(I tried to find a clip online of "Mad About You," Season 1, Episode 6, but no luck. There's a point in there when Jamie screams, "I won! I-won-I-won-I-won-I-won!" The phrase is a little off, but the triumphant excitement is dead on. I can screen it for you the next time you visit.)


Rob S. said...


NG said...

Congratulations :)
Sounds like a great reason to spend the whole weekend celebrating :)

kvgoz said...

It is Pearl Harbor Day already?

Jeez that went by fast... for me anyway I hope it did for you.

Looking forward to seeing you and Jesse next Saturday.

Unknown said...

This is a test

Unknown said...

It worked! I can be heard again!!!!
Jen I'm so happy for you and will drink a special glass or 2 of wine in your honor.
I'd say take a victory lap but,we all know nothing good can come from this(see ad for hardly used ice skates).
Love ya ,Kiddo

Sharon GR said...


Anonymous said...

Beth and Greg