Monday, March 31, 2008

I'm B-a-a-a-a-c-k!

In addition to being back from vacation, I'm also starting a new temporary assignment at work and have about 300 e-mails to wade through, so I'll keep this short for now.

Vacation highlights:
- Snorkeling!
- Horseback riding on the beach (my first horseback ride EVER)
- Riding in the golf cart on Harbour Island
- Flying in the 15-seat plane to get to Eleuthera
- Getting on a random, unmarked, unnamed boat in the dark to get back to Eleuthera from Harbour Island
- Snorkeling at Gaulding Cay
- Doing yoga on the deck
- Getting a tan for the first time in who knows how many years

1 comment:

NG said...

are there photos???