Monday, August 13, 2007

FAQ: Am I Working?

A couple of folks have asked me whether I've been working through chemo.

The answer is a qualified yes.

Before all this started, I already worked a "compressed" schedule, which means I work a longer day Mon-Thu and then have every other Friday off. Those every-other-Fridays are now my treatment days. On top of that, I have a "medical flexiplace" agreement in place, which means I can work from home all or part of the week following my treatment. The past 2 treatments, I've taken the Monday following as a sick day and then worked all or part of Tuesday from home. I also go in late when I need to.

So, the short answer is that I am working, but in a very good situation with a very understanding and supportive boss for which I am very grateful.

(And this week I'm on vacation.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oddly enough, CBS2 news had a piece on working with cancer last night. According to them most people do, and those who don't, can't wait to rejoin the workforce as soon as the treatments are over. I think I would not want to stay at home either. tasha.