Ack. I have so much to blog about and apparently no time to do it. So, I figure I do a mish-mash of an entry that gives at least the major updates.
1. Estrogenious 2008 opens tomorrow! "My" week is October 8-11, but the whole festival is awesome. Come check it out!
2. Also check out [title of show]. It's fun, it's clever, it's original, it's on Broadway, AND it had its very first workshop production at Manhattan Theatre Source. So these folks have trod the boards in the very same place the work of yours truly has been staged. Heady stuff. I've seen it twice and thoroughly enjoyed it both times and I just read that it's CLOSING OCTOBER 12TH, so hurry up and see it before it's gone!
3. Since January 2008, I have been a member of Manhattan Theatre Source's Writers' Forum. What started out as a handful of Source "regulars," has grown into a group of 30 writers, ranging from those just starting out as playwrights to award-winning and nominated writers such as Joan Tewkesbury (screenwriter of the Oscar-nominated film Nashville) and Joe Pintauro (Snow Orchid, The Dead Boy).
This past year, we were able to get the Forum on its feet via regularly weekly meetings and to launch our accompanying Saturday Reading Series.
Now we're ready to take things to the next level. The Forum members have chipped in to "buy" a month's production time at the Source to mount several PlayGround Development Series and full Mainstage Productions. What's especially exciting about this is that we've decided to do this as a collective, with the Forum serving not just as the writers, but as the producers, supporting each other as we get our works on their feet.
It's an exciting opportunity. But we need help. Although we raised the $8,000 deposit in under a week (while the economy was crashing, no less--yay us!), we still need to raise the additional rental and production costs. So, if you're feeling philanthropic...ANY amount is appreciated. And don't forget that the Source is a 501(c)3 organization, so your donation will be tax-deductible. You can make your check payable to "Manhattan Theatre Source" and send it to 177 MacDougal Street, NY, NY 10011, Attn: Jim Lawson (just include a note that it's for the January festival). Or, if you prefer, you can donate via credit card at (If you donate via cc, I'd love it if you could shoot me a note.)
4. Mini Cult Update - Lost 3 lbs this week. LOVING the Core Plan.
Ok, that's all I can think of right now.
Canadians over the boarder
5 days ago
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