Friday, May 11, 2007

And we're off..

So. I've been toying with the idea of starting a blog for awhile now. There was lots I wanted to write about: the theatre where I volunteer (ManhattanTheatreSource), the work I've been doing with meeting facilitation and creative problem solving, the joys and other stuff of new condo ownership, good wine, good food, good get the idea.

But, for the moment at least, all that has been upstaged by another major goings-on in my life, which is that on March 15th I was diagnosed with breast cancer. (You'll notice that I never say I "have" breast cancer, because as far as I'm concerned, I don't have it. They went in and took it all out. I had it. And now I need to make sure it doesn't come back.)

Being treated for cancer turns out to be almost a full-time job. Before all this started I had never had surgery and basically went to the doctor once a year for my annual gyno check-up. Since I got on this roller coaster on March 2nd (my annual gyno check-up), I have had:
  • 2 MRIs
  • 1 PET/CT scan
  • 2 mammograms
  • 2 needle biopsies
  • 4 sonograms
  • 2 surgeries
  • 2 physical therapy sessions
  • various other doctor's visits to ensure that every week I have to take at least a couple of hours of sick leave
And, from what I can tell, this has all been the "easy" part. On May 24, I start chemo which, I have to say, doesn't sound like a whole heck of a lot of fun.

My hope is that this blog WILL include some of those topics I mentioned above (food, wine, theatre, etc.), but for now I have to say it will likely lean more heavily toward the latter (scans, appointments, treatment). So, the masochists among you can tune in often. Others can just check in periodically to see how I'm doing. I'll be done with chemo at the end of August, so September might be a good time to come visit if you're not into all this cancer stuff.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have to embrace what is in your life right now without giving up on the things that make you happy. Now is the time to indulge yourself in the things you love. You are WAY better off health-wise than Danny was when he went into chemo. I don’t know if you realize that he wasn’t even supposed to be able to go home and HE DID. Not only that, but he went out shopping, meeting people for lunch and coffee, he even spent 3 days in Atlantic City right in the middle of his chemo. We all know they caught his cancer too late. You caught yours early AND it’s gone. This next couple of steps is just preventative and hair grows back! You will be writing about the things you love through the whole process...I KNOW IT!