Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The Most Surreal Moment So Far...

Signing the consent form on the first day of chemo acknowledging that this is a "voluntary" treatment.

Insert your own absurd analogy here.


kvgoz said...

I broke my wrist on Friday night (May 25th). I was speaking to a friend on Sunday (May 27th) and mentioned it to him.

He then asked, "Why did you do that?"

I then said you are no longer my friend and promptly hung up.

PS I hope you are feeling as good as possible. I check your blog and think of you and Jessie everyday.

Anonymous said...

Finding out (as the author said in "Cancer Vixen") that the radiation that they give you to erase any lingering cancer cells can, in fact, actually give you cancer. WTF?

Hey Girl, we gotta talk about the whole hair thing. I left you a PM with my cell#. Gimme a call.

NancyS from YSC