Since one of the reasons I originally started this blog was to keep those who are interested updated on my situation, I figured it was about time I got around to doing that.
The short version
I was diagnosed with breast cancer in mid-March. Treatment:
1. Surgery to take the cancer out - DONE. Had the lump removed and a bunch of my lymph nodes (1 was positive for cancer, the rest are clear).
2. Chemo to get rid of any renegade cancer cells trying to hide out somewhere in my body - I will be starting chemo this Thursday (1 dose every 2 weeks; 8 doses in total), which will be over at the end of August. (Yes, I'm going to lose my hair.)
3. Radiation to make sure the cancer doesn't come back in the original spot - After chemo, I get a month off and then do radiation for about 6 weeks, Mon-Fri, about 15 min/day.
The gory details
I was diagnosed on March 15th and had a lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy on March 29th. When the pathology report came back it showed clear margins around the tumor (yay! no need to go back into the boob) but one positive node (boo!). So, on April 26th, I had an axillary node dissection to take out more nodes (Levels I&II). These all came back clear (yay! won't need radiation o' the armpit).
After all this surgery, I did need physical therapy to help me get back the range of motion in my arm. I've been 4 times so far, and it's been amazing how much it's helped, although I'm still not 100% yet.
Due to a variety of factors, the courses of chemo recommended are TAC or AC+T. TAC is 3 drugs administered at once, every 3 weeks, for 6 doses. AC+T is administered every 2 weeks, for 8 doses; the first 4 are AC and the last 4 are Taxol. For a number of reasons (the total amount of drugs I'll receive is lower, the regimen takes one week less to complete, I'll be dealing with the side effects of only 1 or 2 drugs at a time), my current plan is to do AC+T.
In preparation for chemo (this bit is for the folks who really want ALL the details), I had a port-o-cath (also called a medi-port) installed last Friday.
Also in preparation, 'cause I'm told I WILL lose my hair, I bought a wig last Friday.
Finally, since I have a family history of BC, I've had genetic counseling (for more info, check out FORCE). The testing is being done as we speak and I should have the results in a couple of weeks. The results will give me more information about my risk of recurrence, my risk of developing other cancers and steps I can take to mitigate those risks.
I think that pretty much covers it.
Canadians over the boarder
5 days ago
Gracious! (This is Ann in DC, by the way.) Thanks for starting this blog, it's a great way to updated folks all at once.
I am so sorry to hear about your diagnosis, but am delighted to hear the positive mental approach you are taking (had vs. have).
Meanwhile, things in our neck of the woods have been busy, complicated of late as well. Short version: Fran's mum was hospitalized on March 19 and passed away last month. Shortly after that, Aizle the wonderhound (poor old girl) got sick.
I'm so bummed to have missed your visit. In retrospect, I should have invited you two over to my place for take-out and doggie-sitting togetherness. Great ideas often come to me late.
I'll go now, so this comment doesn't become its own blog post. I'll also add a feed to your site, so I know when you update.
Hugs to you in the meantime!
I'm so, so sorry that you have to go through all this. I wish you only the best doctors and techinicians as well as the best luck.
I hope your spirits stay up.
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