(sung to the tune of "Food, Glorious Food" from Oliver!)
Alternative title: "I Never Realized I Was This Shallow"
Well, as those of you I've been chatting with know, what I've been obsessing over lately is the whole losing-my-hair thing.
I've done polls on Young Survival to see what other people have done. (Choices: let it fall out, cut it off themselves, have a significant other cut it off, have a professional cut it off or have a party. The most popular choices are significant other or party!)
I bought my wig weeks ago so I could get used to looking at it.
I've whined about it to my husband. And to other people.
And, this weekend, I got THE TRANSITION HAIRCUT. Basically, the advice I received is that it's a lot easier (and neater) to handle the falling out part if your hair is shorter. It also gives me an idea of what it'll look like when it's growing back in. So, I got it cut short. Really short. And, if I do say so myself, it looks sort of cute. (Actually, I go back and forth between thinking it makes me look young and hip to thinking it makes me look like an aging gym teacher.)
Since I can't very well show up at work with inch-long, salt-and-pepper hair one day and come in a week or so later with a shoulder-length, red-highlighted bob (the wig style), I've decided to start wearing the wig to work. (I mean, I could do that, but then it would be kind of alarmingly obvious I was wearing a wig and I was sort of hoping to keep this a little lower profile.) So, I started wearing the wig. And, so far, the response has been good. I even got one "You look beautiful!" In fact, the response has been so good I'm starting to think my old hairstyle/color really wasn't that flattering and no one had the heart to tell me!
Anyway, I can't believe I've spent this much time thinking, talking, fretting, stewing, etc. about my HAIR. I'm starting to feel REALLY shallow. So, with any luck, this will be my last post on it.
At least for awhile.
Canadians over the boarder
2 weeks ago
You are the most beautiful, exotic, gorgeous, stunning, striking, attractive, alluring, angelic, appealing, bewitching, charming, classy, comely, cute, dazzling, delicate, delightful, divine, elegant, enticing, excellent, exquisite, fair, fascinating, fine, foxy, good-looking, graceful, grand, ideal, lovely, magnificent, marvelous, nice, pleasing, pretty, pulchritudinous, radiant, ravishing, refined, resplendent, shapely, sightly, splendid, sublime, superb, wonderful woman in the universe! I love you.
After reading your post and then Jesse's profession, I can't wait to see this wig, now....BUT I'm sure that the really short cut is adorable, too.
btw, Does J give lessons to guys who dont know how to express themselves properly? :-)
your friend forever,
J You're such a Math Geek but I couldn't agree more!
I couldn't be prouder of you. You are so full of a zest for life,youthful in the important ways,xcelent in everyway,vibrant....
Okay, I am on drugs "u" is relly screwiing with my brain.
You will look great with any length of hair,but fuck em and do what makes you feel good
Oh yeah...time to go
Love you both
We would love to see you in short hair. After it grows back you should get another transition haircut. That would be cool, original, surprising and amazing. Just like you.
And, of course, you are shallow. You are a women.
Dear Jen,
In the spirit of openness with which you are blogging, I must confess that one of my first thoughts when I got your e-mail was, "Oh, no! She's going to lose that gorgeous hair!"
But I also know you will look great with short hair, or red hair, or no hair, or whatever hair you happen to have on any given day, because YOU are gorgeous. It is, quite simply, a fact.
Jesse, you listmaker! Are you sure you're not part vampire?
Jen, I'm sure you look stunning in short hair and new hair. No worries there.
Thanks for the votes of confidence on the short hair all!
Cancer is so limited...
It cannot cripple love,
It cannot shatter hope,
It cannot corrode faith,
It cannot destroy peace,
It cannot kill friendship,
It cannot suppress memories,
It cannot silence courage,
It cannot invade the soul,
It cannot steal eternal life,
It cannot conquer the Spirit!
-- Author Unknown
I'm looking at this hair thing from a whole other vantage point...
'nuf said. :-)
That Jesse's a keeper, ain't he?
I'm sure you look fabulous! You always did before, this won't change it.
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