Thursday, April 3, 2008

I Knew It!

I'm not a big water drinker and so this de-bunking of the importance of imbibing tons of water is welcome news to me...

Five Myths About Drinking Water: NPR


kvgoz said...

Can we really take anything from an article which suggests drinking diet soda is an ok alternative? To replace water with an aspartame and checmical induced cocktail does not make sense at all.

I mean... I know our tap water is loaded with things, but we can filter most of that out.

Anonymous said...

I think the point here is about the "drink 8 - 8oz glasses of water daily to be healthy".
I agree, I knew it all along as well - if I'm not thirsty how can I drink? My body tells me when it needs fluids- I get thirsty! Yes the diet soda alternative was stupid, very stupid, but we are of our own minds.

kvgoz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kvgoz said...

I misspelt this the first time so I had to delete and re-post!

Thomnonymous is BACK NOW TOO!

Sharon GR said...

I heard a debunking of the 8 glasses of water myth a while back, where the debunkers (whom I wish I remember) found a very old study which showed the average man took in the equivalent of 8 glasses of water a day, including fluids contained in foods, caffienated & alcoholic beverages, and other drinks.

I drink a lot of water. I refuse to buy bottles of it, though; I have a Britta pitcher to filter out the odor in our tap water. Tap water is just fine in most of the country (and often what comes in those high-priced plastic bottles.)

NG said...

wow, i know this post would get responses! I have always believed that unless you are thirsty there is no reason to force yourself to drink. With one exception of severe dehydration when a person is so out of whack that they are not even thirsty anymore.

NG said...

I do have to agree about the soda suggestion. that frustrated me a lot.

Anonymous said...

There is a lot of water in wine(and beer for you J)So Jen, you have always been healthy because you drink wine. :-) Looking forward to staying veryyyy hydrated and healthy when I visit for my B'Day.
Hope all are doing well and will see you in 5 weeks!