Welcome to the latest chemo side effect: hot flashes!
Yes, chemotherapy actually puts you in menopause (or, as the gals on YSC like to call it, "chemo-pause").
The "pause" part happened right away, if ya get what I mean, but the hot flashes, thankfully, held off until about 2 nights ago. They seem to be a little better today.
The hubby is actually happy about it because we've always had, shall we say, a difference of opinion about the ambient temperature and, more specifically, what temperature is "comfortable." He's hopeful that now I'll be more understanding of his A/C addiction. We'll see. I'm not a big A/C fan and so prefer other heat mitigation methods/coping strategies (e.g., I've ordered a Chillow--stay tuned for a product review).
Canadians over the boarder
5 days ago
Same thing with Tash and I. I love the AC and she prefers minimal use at best. She is wrong on this one and I am willing to concede on the toilet paper issue in order to be right here*.
As for the toilet paper, Tash puts it on the roller the right way, and I do not know nor care about the right way. It makes no sense for me to concern myself with it because no matter what way I put the toilet paper in, it will magically find itself in the correct position.
*(right here meaning, right here at my desk in my office, and having nothing to do with being right or wrong)
All AC all the time at our place.
How many ways are there to put toilet paper on a roller??
Well, the TP issue is very important to a lot of women. :)
I personally like it over the roll for easier access, but Jen feels that it leaves the TP hanging out tere all exposed. So she prefers under. My friend Maria hangs TP same way as Jennifer, while my parents hang it over the roll. So at my place, when Keith puts the roll of TP the "wrong" way, I just quietly switch it.
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