Well, I guess if you're going to have the U.S. presidential election stolen from you, this is a pretty nice consolation prize.
I'd love to be around 100 years from now and see what history has to say about Gore and Bush. I have a feeling Gore will be the better known of the two, having done more with one film and lecture tour for the betterment of our planet than the entire Bush administration.
As my friend ktbuffy would say, "Woot!"
5 days ago
Double WOOT from me! GORE FOR PRESIDENT IN 2008!!!!!
Tash was gloating on Friday about having her picture taken with a Noble prize winner.
When you guys are over she can show you the picture.
What crock of shit! First of all,this is supposed to be the nobel peace prize. What it has become is the nobel "piece of shit" prize.
I'm amazed that the only people that think gore in full of shit are the neo-cons.
Where are peoples brains?
This guy lives in a huge house, has an heated swimming pool,an electric gate, flies on private jets and an energy bill for gas and electric that is $29,268 for 2006!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He wants to tell everyone else how to save the planet while living the life he wants at no inconvenience to himself or his family.
Now that's the REAL Inconvenient Truth
He has millions of dollars, and he is spreading the word about an issue. He has also made changes himself including solar power, and other things.
We can not expect him to live in a hut because he is spreading the word about warming.
When are you coming to NJ?
Yes he has millions of dollars,but the old "don't do as I do, do as I say" just don't work with me. If he Really believes what he preaches he should practice it.
Why should I/the world impact ourlives when it will be a bigger hardship on me and the masses because of our limited resources,then on him and his family because they have money.
Who gives more the poor man who gives a dollar but that's all he has, or the rich man who gives alot but still has more then 99.9 percent of the world.
If you can't walk the walk, don't talk the talk.
Oct 25th-28th
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