If you've been paying attention, you'll recall that I was supposed to start radiation on Tuesday.
However, I had a bunch of scans last Friday (see my post "MRI=Naptime?"). The mammogram and the ultrasound were clear, but the MRI showed something weird in my healthy boob. The consensus (from the lab, the surgeon's office and the oncologist's office) is that it's probably nothing and I shouldn't worry about it, but that they need to check it, so I'm having an MRI-guided biopsy next Wednesday. Once I get the "all clear" from that--the pathology will take around 5 business days to come back--I can start radiation (I've scheduled a new start date of October 23rd.)
How do I feel about this?
On the positive side:
- I'd rather go through this now while I'm still "in the middle" of everything, rather than a year from now when this will all be a rapidly dimming memory.
- I'm fortunate to have access to a facility that does MRI-guided biopsy. Since this only showed up on the MRI, there is no other way to biopsy it. If I lived somewhere where I didn't have access to this level of care, they'd probably have just said "we'll have to wait and see."
On the negative side:
- I was really looking forward to being done with radiation before Thanksgiving (talk about something to give thanks for!). Now it will be closer to Christmas.
- Having an MRI-guided biopsy is a little too science fiction-y for my comfort, although it's supposed to be a pretty simple procedure.
What can you do?
Send positive vibes, prayers, thoughts--whatever floats your boat--that:
1. It really is nothing.
2. The procedure goes smoothly.
3. They get the results back FAST. (Waiting sucks.)
Canadians over the boarder
5 days ago
Some vibes...
Good vibes! Good vibes! Good vibes!
Some thoughts...
Good thoughts! Good thoughts! Good thoughts!
You're fine! You're healthy! The only growth that's left to be treated is that large thing at your side all the time... what's it called? Oh, yeah! ME!
I love you!
Mojo! Mojo! Mojo!
It really is nothing.
The procedure will go smoothly.
They will get the results back FAST.
I hope!
You got 'em, J.
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