Ok, not really. But we are growing tomatoes on our fire escape.
We picked the one that was ripe last night and used it in a salad with basil (also from our fire escape) and other ingredients from our CSA (lettuce, spring onion, garlic scapes) and it was YUMMY. But, look, there are more:
Can't see them? Here's a close-up:
5 days ago
We have two tomato plants, a pepper plant, chives, scallions, parsley and dill all on our fire escape.
Every night this week we have had a salad with a mix of all the herbs on it.
We have three peppers growing but no tomatos yet.
I can not wait for the tomatoes, but it looks like it will be a month before we see any.
I have tomatoes,parsley,oregano and basil on my balcony. I have 1 small red tomato with a bunch of green ones.
It has been interesting,at first I was killing everything by watering too much(note to self; stop watering too much), next I was killing everything by not watering enough(note too self; okay water more then that but not enough to create 1st crisis)
By Jove....I think I got it!
It is really great and I don't care if I even save any money(which I do) it'd been fun!
qncSaving money is secondary. I think the best part is the feeling of satisfaction you get from being the "gardener". I had that excitement when I was a kid (we had a summer house where we grew everything), and that feeling was never been lost. I also always loved vegetables as a kid. so did my brother, and I believe that it is due to the fact that both of us had the opportunity to see a seed turn into a cucumber, or a tomato, or some lettuce. It was always exciting to see that first tender green leaf pop out through the dirt, year after year...
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